Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Death Penalty Needs a Better Appeals Process - 1414 Words

The Death Penalty Needs a Better Appeals Process Most often the death penalty is used in the United States to punish people that kill children, women or the elderly. The system has been in place for many years, and has evolved from the use of the electric chair and firing squads to the current method, the use of lethal injection. The most common reason innocent people are put to death is because of poor representation; in many cases, inmates get a court appointed lawyer and receive the ultimate sentence, the death penalty. Most court appointed lawyers have poor experience handling these types of cases. Additionally, they often do not believe their client’s innocence. Why should we believe a person’s innocence when the people that are supposed to be on their side don’t even believe them? While the death penalty is a good choice for the worst criminals in the system, the appeals process is so flawed that innocent people often face the ultimate punishment, the death penalty, for a crime they didn’t commit. On December 23, 1991, in Corsicana, Texas, Cameron Todd Willingham was awakened by his oldest daughter Amber telling him that their house was on fire. His wife Stacy, who had gone to The Salvation Army earlier that morning to get Christmas presents for the kids, was not home at the time. Willingham tried to help his children get out of the house but could not because of the intense heat, so he escaped from the home on his own. Some witnesses described him as â€Å"hysterical†Show MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty: Killing Taxpayer’s Wallets...Not Criminals1733 Words   |  7 Pagessentence in which one is sentenced to death, after being found guilty of a capital offense, by a court of law. The death penalty and capital punishment are synonymous in terms of the law (â€Å"Capital Punishment†). Capital offenses are often serious, major crimes that usually involve either the murder or harming of another individual. The death penalty process has become a long and arduous process that can last a decade or more. This process can entail innumerable appeals, public defenders stalling time andRead MoreDeath Penalty Is Not A World Of Unknown Essay1087 Words   |  5 PagesThe sun is overshadowed today with the cloud of death lingering in the air. Everything is somber, watching a man prepare to take his last breath in the name of justice. As the clock ticks away to the man’s fate, so do his crimes. For the crimes he committed can’t be forgiven and shall be given the justice of the ancient times. The life for a life shall be commenced as the clock ticks his final moments. As the countdown ends, the world watches the man’s last breath. The man is dead and justice hasRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Illegal1613 Words   |  7 PagesConstitution that governs our laws in America is there to protect all of the people and that includes the criminals that are on death row. The death penalty materially violates the constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment, the guarantees of due process of law, and of equal protection under the law. (Bedau, Hugo Adam, The Case Against the Death Penalty) This is the reason why capital punishment should be illegal in all fifty states. We believe that the states should not give itselfRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Illegal1563 Words   |  7 Pagesare on death row. The death penalty materially violates the constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment, the guarantees of due process of law, and of equal protection under the law. This is the reason why capital punishment should be illegal in all fifty states. 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Arthur Miller, an American playwright, wrote an essay satirizingRead MoreOpinion on the Death Penalty Essay1006 Words   |  5 PagesOpinion on the Death Penalty The death penalty, also referred to as capital punishment, has been abolished in Canada since 1976, but still exist in a few American States. The last execution in Canada took place in 1962. I disagree with the death penalty for several reasons. My first reason is that I find it extremely inhumane to take someones life in order to demonstrate the power of the law. Another reason for my disapproval of the death penalty, is the amount of money that it takes toRead MoreThe Cost For A Non Death Penalty1432 Words   |  6 Pagessurrounding the death penalty. â€Å"Each execution can cost between $2.5 million and $5 million.† (Fagan 1). Compared to the millions of dollars it takes to execute a single to person to the more affordable cost of housing a prisoner of a range of $20,000-$40,000 a year; we as a society could punish these people for their crimes without killing and for less money.(Hirby 1). The cost for a non-death penalty trial is in the area of $250,000 whereas a trial concerning the death penalty will be in the areaRead MoreThe Death Penalty And The Penalty1005 Words   |  5 Pagesknew how I felt about the death penalty. Growing up in the 70 s and 80 s, it was always an eye for an eye, if someone killed another and was proven guilty then he or she would get the death penalty. In high school, I learned that if a person was convicted of the death penalty then they were allowed 13 appeals . Not sure where the 13 appeals came from because I cannot prove that today. The research I have found, is that there is no limit of appeals for the death penalty due to finality of the punishmentRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1226 Words   |  5 PagesHistorically, the death penalty was created to punish a crime, to prevent it from repeating, and to deter further crimes. The United States’ use of the death penalty can be traced back as early as 1608, when early European settlers executed Captain George Kendall for being a spy from Spain (â€Å"Part I: History of the Death Penalty†, n.d.). As time progressed the amount of money to sustain such a punishment slowly became a burden to States. As 32 States currently have the death penalty, taxpayers and politiciansRead MoreDeath Penalty for Murders1634 Words   |  6 PagesIs it justifiable and effective to murder a murderer? The death penalty is one form of severe punishment in the United States. Peopl e who have performed heinous crimes can be sentenced to capital punishment in some states; however, this type of chastisement is rarely performed. Capital punishment has more negative aspects than it has positive. The states that have legalized the death penalty face the excessive costs associated with it, which can be damaging to their economies. In addition, there

Friday, December 20, 2019

Although Love May Concern The Intimate And Micro-Level

Although love may concern the intimate and micro-level interactions of local communities, it is intricately tied to the macrostructures of colonialism, economics, and religion. Policies concerning LGBT communities in the Philippines, albeit limited, are being faced with heteronormative rhetoric that impedes queer Filipinxs from moving up the socioeconomic ladder. The â€Å"Philippine Family Code,† explicitly defines marriage as a â€Å"permanent union between a man and a woman,† underscoring the ways in which LGBT communities are systematically left out of the conventional family structure, and by extension, marriage. The exclusion of these marginalized communities through policies exemplify Gayle Rubin’s â€Å"charmed circle,† which denote the†¦show more content†¦Likewise, Aquino’s contemporary Family Code still borrows heavily from the colonialist perspective and seeks to delegitimize relationships that do not conform to Catholic doctr ines that forbid gays and lesbians. As Gayle Rubin expounds in Thinking Sex about the delegitimization of â€Å"deviant† sex groups, she underlines that the charmed circle â€Å"grants virtue to the dominant groups, and relegates vice to the underprivileged† (Rubin 153). The conflation of substance abuse and sexuality within the Family Code demonstrates the lack of social justice for LGBT groups and the oversimplification of what constitutes deviancy in the Philippines. The pressure from colonialism and Catholicism have caused policymakers and dominant groups to disregard the nuances of differing family formations. By oversimplifying the complex differences in love and families, the Family Code implicitly renders queer families as unnatural. In other words, the Family Code’s blurred distinction between sexuality and deviancy illuminates the ways in which heterosexual and middle-class groups aim to demonize unconventional sexualities. Hence, the power dynamics be tween religion and sexuality come to the fore, as the Family Code supports specific sexualities while disregarding non-heterosexual ones. Although the Family Code was enacted less than three decades ago, its effects still reverberate in Filipinx queer families who attempt toShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On The United States Of America And Directed By Michael Apted Essay2294 Words   |  10 Pagesprevalent concern in society. This issue of domestic abuse can range from sexual assault to murder. This is a very serious concern that not only women, but men as well may face in society. Domestic violence can distress any type of person regardless of their religion, ethnicity, age, or socio-economic status. 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They will try to imitate the same which they had seen and this may lead them to commit crime and may prove dangerous for the entire society. A generation which is responsible for making new paths of the development of the nation may take it to the wrong way it needs to telling that young persons are going astray day-by-day. They are also becomingRead MoreScience and Technology13908 Words   |  56 Pagespeople, who are re ady to make use of their talents and energy for their community and the world. We trust that these essays will inspire the readers to think about how we can make best use of science and technology in the 21st century, so that we may realize a more equitable, prosperous and sustainable world for all. In closing, we wish to thank the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, Japanese National Commision for UNESCO, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)Read MoreChevalier: Food and Restaurant13293 Words   |  54 Pagesway or making more profits. Their restaurant situated on the beach and it is really very good location for business because customers attract from natural things. People love to see views and enjoying food while watching sea views. Chevaliers situated on beach with three storied restaurant. In this restaurant they have beach level kiosk, la carte restaurant and it can cover up to 100 covers and they also doing outdoor catering facility with 200 covers. In this establishment most of the people comeRead MoreHrm Policies10725 Words   |  43 Pagesresource management functions are ideally positioned near the theoretic center of the organization, with access to all areas of the business. Since the HRM department or manager is charged with managing the productivity and development of workers at all levels, human resource personnel should have access to—and the support of—key decisio n makers. In addition, the HRM department should be situated in such a way that it is able to effectively communicate with all areas of the company. HRM structures varyRead MoreAnalysis of Google Hr Strategy8548 Words   |  35 Pagesorganizations develop around their handling of people, or to the espoused v alues and credo of an organization†. O rganization culture is a rich description of organizational life ( Barney, 2002 ). O rganization culture impacts the strategies, motivation levels and the structure of an organization. Schein (1996) describes it as the most powerful and stable f orce in organizations. G oogle‟s organizational culture c an be analyzed thought Ouchi‟s framework (1943) . Ouchi studied three different company‟sRead MoreThe Jade Pendant5982 Words   |  24 Pageswhat that culture is in the context of an newly adopted homeland and coming to terms with change. The short story written in English had its obscure beginnings in the then-University of Singapore. There, the first generations educated at tertiary level in the English medium began to experiment with the mode of expression of the short story. The first published record of the short story in English in Singapore was in 1959;  The Compact, edited by Herman Hochstadt represented incipient efforts of localRead MoreSocial Media Marketing in India10223 Words   |  41 Pagesknow the outcome before it airs. Social media marketing mishaps Social media marketing provides organizations with a way to connect with their customers. However, organizations must protect their information as well as closely watch comments and concerns on the social media they use. A flash poll done on 1225 IT executives from 33 countries revealed that social media mishaps caused organizations a combined $4.3 million in damages in 2010.The top three social media incidents an organization facedRead MoreOperations Managment14673 Words   |  59 Pagesproduction. Every book you borrow from the library, every treatment you receive at the hospital, every service you expect in the shops and every lecture you attend at university – all have been produced. While the people who supervised their ‘production’ may not always be called operations managers that is what they really are. And that is what this book is concerned with – the tasks, issues and decisions of those operations managers who have made the services and products on which we all depend. This is

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Cost-Benefit Analysis and Project Budget free essay sample

We are creating a Smartphone application for use as a travel aid for the public and the profit will be donated to the partnership for children charity. The total budget allocated for this project is ? 20,000. We have ? 10,000 from our own funds and we will be using this fund for the promotion of the app with ? 10,000. The council has also provided us with ? 10,000 subsidy. We have used our funds on Feasibility, User Requirement and Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and Operation. This is very useful as it is a one-off cost, and we will not be spending on this again but it will benefit us in the long run. The total population in the Kingston upon Thames Borough is 160,400 according to the Office of National Statistics 2012. We hope that 25% of the population in the Kingston upon Thames Borough will purchase this application within the first 12 months of release. If 25% of the population purchased the app, there would be 40,100 customers. Therefore, the total revenue generated for 25% of the population would be 40,100 x ? 1. 49 = ? 9,749. The profit would be (Revenue – Cost) ? 59,749 ? 20,000 = ? 39,749. This project is very sustainable because it is simple to run and easily profitable. Any profit generated will go back to the maintenance of the application and the remainder will be donated back to Partnership for Children Charity. As a team we have come up with a more accurate budget for creating a Smartphone application. We have investigated and researched into all the areas of the project where we as a team think money will be used. Below you can see a table of our budget plan. The total budget is the overall cost of the project. Methodology Prince 2 In addition, when we were creating a smart phone app project clearly we focuses the best way to have an effective project management was by following PRINCE2 methodology. The selections of Prince2 methodology clearly focus on business justification. Besides that it is commonly used by the UK government and is a well known project methodology approach. Overall we believe these two methodologies meets the requirements of our project and it will help us and guide us to develop the final application of the project. The key features of PRINCE2 methodology: * It’s clearly focus on business justification * A defined organisation structure for the project management team * It’s product-based planning approach * It’s emphasis on dividing the project into manageable and controllable stages * It’s flexibility to be applied at a level appropriate to the project This diagram shows the stages of our project in detail Source: http://upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/6d/Prince2_diagram. png/480px-Prince2_diagram. png(From 24/03/2013) Waterfall (Traditional) methodology When we were creating a smart phone app project clearly we focuses the best way to have an effective project was following by the Waterfall (Traditional) methodology. Furthermore the waterfall model describes a development method that is linear and sequential over the time. However In our Project Waterfall development has distinct goals for each stage of development. The key features of Waterfall (Traditional Methodology) are: * The Waterfall method is also well known methodology method in mobile application project. Its describes a development method that is linear and sequential way * The project requires the achievement of one stage before moving to the next stage (Therefore any fault in this application will be detected during one of the stage) * It is flexibility to be applied to the project Maintenance Implementation Coding / System design User Requirements Analysis Waterfall Model Testing/Debugging Installation We are going to hire IT profes sionals to do all the stages. Requirement analysis involves finding out what the customer wants and showing clearly the purpose of the product. All specific requirements are found out at this stage. This information can be obtained through questionnaires, customer interviews and use cases. Design involves translating the identified requirements into a logical structure and consists of defining the hardware and software architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data to satisfy specified requirements It involves defining the hardware and software architecture, specifying performance and security parameters, designing data storage containers and constraints, choosing the IDE and programming language, and indicating strategies to deal with issues such as exception handling, resource management and interface connectivity. System design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements. The system design specification is a starting point for the next phase of the model. Implementation consists of constructing the product according to the design specification. It involves converting the new system design into operation. This may involve implementing the software system and training the operating staff before the software system is functional. This step is performed by a development team consisting of programmers, interface designers and other specialists, using tools such as compilers, debuggers, interpreters and media editors. In testing all the components are methodically verified to make sure it is error-free and make sure the requirements are met. An independent quality assurance team defines test cases to evaluate whether the product fully or partially satisfies the requirements in the first step. Three types of testing takes place: unit testing of individual code modules; system testing of the integrated product; and acceptance testing, formally conducted by or on behalf of the customer. If defects are found they are logged and feedback is provided to the implementation team to correct the defects. Installation occurs once the app has been tested and certified as fit for use, and involves preparing the system /product for installation and use at the customer site. Maintenance: This occurs after installation, and involves making changes to the system or an individual component to alter or improve performance. These modifications arise either due to change in requests by the customer, or defects uncovered during use of the system.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Museum of Fine Arts Essay Example For Students

Museum of Fine Arts Essay I observed many interesting works of art representing various time periods. Of all the paintings that I saw last week, two landscaped pieces seemed to stick out in my mind; Andre Drains The Turning Road and Thomas Hart Bonbons Haystack. Though these two art works are similar in subject matter, they clearly reflect the different styles and time periods of their artists; the abstract Derail being a Fauvist and the more realistic painter Benton representing the American Scene Tyler as a Regionalism. Andre Derail became an accomplice to the well known Henry Matisse who founded the expression of Fauvism in 1905. Fauve, meaning wild beasts in French, was a movement driven by a desire to develop an art that had the directness of Impressionism but also had the intense color juxtapositions and their emotional capabilities (964). The Fauves expressively used vivid colors as the conveyer of meaning (MM to produce bold and intense images which in turn, awakens the emotions tooth viewer. And Derail, being a Fauvist, used color to its fullest potential. to elicit emotional responses from the viewer (966) not only in The Turning Road but also in his work The Dance, which perfectly supports the audacious style of Drains Fauvism. Although this movement did not last very long, the paintings created in this period are vivid and memorable. When the 193(Yes emerged, the Great Depression took its toll on artwork, In this period, artists from the Midwest called Regionalisms turned their attention to rural life as Americas cultural backbone (1025). Among these artists was Thomas Hart Benton, who became the leading exponent of American Regionalism and used his paintings to convey scenes about the hardworking rural poor of the Midwest throughout the depression. His realistic scenes of country life stern particularly from the rural historical and social past Of Missouri (CM). Not only are his themes of rural poor American seen in the Haystack, they can also be seen in Other works Of his such as in his rendition Of the nude goddess Persephone, which also references the rural farmer and his work, and perhaps his hardships, within the seasons (CM). Since the LIST government created the Federal Arts Project, many artists such as Benton, had a chance to evolve their work into what would come to be known as the American Scene era, Coming from very different time periods, Andre Derail and Thomas Hart Benton both incorporate their genres style into their own expressive art. Both of these men were influential leaders of their periods and painted images in a similar way, even if their art does represent different time periods. Drains painting of The Turning Road and Bonbons painting Of the Haystack depict similar subject matter. The images in the two paintings that are similar are the curving road, the trees, the workers and also the horse which is seen in both mages. Both The Turning Road and the Haystack show an outdoor scene from the daytime with workers going about their busy everyday lives. These two paintings display a theme of man working in harmony with nature, which was stated in the Haystacks information card but can clearly be associated with The Turning Road as well. According to the museum information card on Drains piece, choreographed forms villagers 311 Sway to an integrated rhythm, giving this painting movement. This can also be seen in Bonbons piece since the museum information card on Haystack States that this image s depicted through rhythmic swirls of paint and lyrical movement. Drains piece also portrays a more rural scene and is far from the urban bustle Of Loons waterways (CT as seen in Bonbons work which shows the laborious rural poor of the depression era. .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956 , .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956 .postImageUrl , .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956 , .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956:hover , .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956:visited , .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956:active { border:0!important; } .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956:active , .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956 .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3cdfef1a31b3b5c0859955aff6db5956:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Female Characters In Candide EssayBoth of these painting exude cool and warm colors since the blues and greens can be seen, as well as the reds and yellows in both images. Vertical poles in the Haystack seem to separate the painting which can also be seen in The Turning Road, which uses the trees as the vertical separation of the painting. In both paintings, the artists do not show where the curving road leads to, which allows your mind to wonder where you would end up it you walked along the paths, my guess is that the winding roads lead to the city and an urban lifestyle, The technique of shadowing can be seen in both of these paintings. The shadowing can be clearly seen in the realistic scene of the Haystack, and even though the painting of The Turning Road is not very realistic since it uses complementary colors for its shadowing technique, there is still a hint of realism portrayed in the image since the shadows are present. Even though these paintings come from different time periods and were created by tuft very different artists, Derail and Benton, they still share some resemblance and connection. Despite the fact that these two paintings share analogous attributes, they also differ in many ways. According to the museum information card on Drains piece, the work is expressive Of the artists feelings rather than Of the descriptive landscape, which is consistent with the style of Fauvism. However Bonbons piece does not really reflect his emotions or feelings, rather it seems more optically realistic to therefore accurately portray the scene of the poor rural American workers. While Derail uses vibrant and bold colors, the scene of The Turning Road is not shown in its realistic colors which again contrasts the Haystacks pragmatic and subdued colors. The intensity of the color usage in Drains work conveys a positive and cheery mood corresponding with Fauvism wild colors while in Bonbons work, the colors reflect a melancholy and somewhat gloomy tone which is consistent with Bonbons time period and style of the Great Depression. In Drains piece he uses thick and heavy brushstrokes (CM) shown through geometric lines by the vertical trees and the horizontal road, while in Bonbons piece, undulating and flowing organic lines are used which do not seem geometric at all. Another significant difference between the paintings is that much of the detail is omitted in The Turning Road and the figures are simplified into vivid Fauvism shapes (COM while in the Haystack, you can clearly see the detailing of the horse and the workers and even the shading on the hay and rocks. In The Turning Road, the colors seem to be applied directly room the paint tubes onto the canvas (CM), while in the Haystack; Benton blends and mixes his colors brilliantly for a more realistic image. These two paintings also differ in perspective since the artist of The Turning Road paints from more of an aerial view where as in the Haystack; the artist paints the scene looking straight on, as if you were looking out your window at the farmers. The focal point Of Bonbons piece is the workers on the farm and the house Off to the left- center of the image however, in Drains work, a focal point is more difficult to mind and you tend to look at the painting as a Whole instead Of just the center point since the workers are in the foreground instead of the middle ground, and it seems as though every corner Of this piece is active. In Bonbons Haystack the hills in the background seem distant where as in the piece by Derail, the ;hills dont look distant; they are simple and part of an overall pattern of color (CM), which is compatible again with the Fauvism style. .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8 , .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8 .postImageUrl , .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8 , .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8:hover , .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8:visited , .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8:active { border:0!important; } .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8:active , .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8 .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uef2c412620e2cae9a28ad4337f2a19a8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Huckleberry Finn (709 words) EssayThe two influential artists, Thomas Benton and Andre Derail both represent their time periods through their art work, Andre Derail epitomizes the Fauvism went with his emotions through bright vivid colors and his abstract view of the landscaped scene of workers while Thomas Benton embodies the American Scene as a Regionalism and depicts his landscaped scene of workers in a more realistic and melancholy way. The Turning Road and the Haystack are both housed by the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston and after visiting this museum for the first time, I came to appreciate not only these pieces that analyzed, but also the vast array of art work displayed in the museum and also in to text book. Plan on visiting the museum again!